Web Design Case Study:


Redesigned coaches landing page to prioritize engagement, tailored for industry leaders interested in mentoring.


To increase sign-ups of industry experts as coaches on the CourseCareers platform, enriching the mentoring experience for students in various course programs.

Initial Page Assessment

Reviewing the landing page, I noticed opportunities for improvement in navigation, content clarity, and aesthetics.

This led to plans for a redesign focused on better accessibility, engagement, and a smoother user journey.

Key Observations:

  • I found inconsistency in spacing, alignment, and design elements.
  • The navigation was not effectively tailored to the right target audience
  • The page lacked clear, detailed explanations of the coaching program and its benefits.

My Role

My responsibilities were multifaceted, encompassing concept development, user experience design, and the technical build with React and TypeScript. Additionally, I crafted the page's copy, ensuring that our messaging resonated with our target audience and effectively communicated the value of connecting coaches with mentoring opportunities.


  • Copywriting
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Web Design
  • Web Development
  • UI/UX Design

Tools Used:

  • Figma
  • React
  • Typescript
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Github

Understanding the Project

Target Audience

The redesign focused on attracting seasoned industry experts, CourseCareers graduates, and content creators across fields like technology, sales, HR, and digital marketing.

Insights from public job descriptions targeted towards each industry highlight the qualifications and experience sought in potential coaches, aligning the landing page's messaging and design to these criteria.


inspired by successful career mentoring and education platforms, the redesign aimed to create a visually cohesive, user-friendly experience. The job description and a detailed guide on the coaching program provided essential context, guiding the content strategy and design ethos.

Color Scheme and Imagery

Building on CourseCareers' current branding, the redesign focused on forging a visually harmonious experience.

Adhering to a blue color palette for brand consistency, adjustments ensured accessibility compliance.

Imagery followed a distinct "pop-out bubble" style, focusing on diversity and aligning with the brand's aesthetic.

MoolaLearn LogoMoolaLearn Logo
MoolaLearn LogoMoolaLearn Logo

Version 1

  • Reduced the number of buttons in the header.
  • Incorporated "For Coaches" text beside the logo.
  • Introduced a zero nav featuring a link to the main homepage.
  • The page was designed following a content strategy developed in collaboration with the team.

Version 2

  • Following team feedback, I explored a revised layout for the "Ways to Make Money" section, featuring actual screenshots.
  • I experimented with a new design for the "Actively recruiting coaches in the following fields" to provide additional space.

Version 3

  • Integrated "For Coaches" into the logo and removed adjacent text to declutter the navigation bar.
  • Switched the "Earn money four different ways" section to a tabbed layout, featuring a Cohorts-related testimonial.
  • Removed the FAQ section
  • Refined the copy in a collaborative live session with the team.

Clear, Strategic Messaging with Added Social Proof

A tabbed income section, complemented by testimonials, balanced informative content with engagement.

Direct collaboration with the coaching team ensured the messaging was strategic, professional, and conversational, matching the site's overall tone.

Here’s how I got there:

Initial Section Design:

Originally, I aimed to keep this section compact, highlighting the features of the coaching platform. However, after team discussions, it became clear that it resembled a process flow more than a straightforward list. This insight led me to overhaul the section, ensuring it communicated more clearly to users.

Second Iteration

I opted to test out a layout that kept the text concise, eliminating the numbers and incorporating screenshots to add a layer of social proof. Following further team feedback, it became apparent that we needed to simplify this section even further and introduce an additional income opportunity for coaches.

Final Iteration

To declutter the screen and minimize text, I experimented with a tabbed layout to showcase the four methods of earning. The default tab, "Cohorts," is enriched with a compelling headline and a testimonial from an existing CourseCareers coach. This approach offers a clearer explanation of the income opportunities available to coaches.

Accessibility and User Experience (UX)

I used best practice code semantics and a clear content hierarchy to enhance accessibility and focus, including screen reader support.

Additionally, I prioritized color contrast, following WCAG guidelines, to improve readability for users with visual impairments, promoting inclusivity and usability.

Initial Navigation Challenge:

The page's navigation contained numerous extraneous links, leading to confusion among the target audience about their intended actions on the page.

Navigation Redesign - First Iteration:

The navigation was redesigned with coaches in mind, placing “For Coaches” prominently beside the logo for clear orientation. The buttons were updated to more clearly describe their function, moving away from the generic “Login” and “Sign Up” labels. Furthermore, a zero navigation option was introduced, offering users an easy way to return to the main website as needed.

Navigation Update - Second Iteration:

In this next phase, after team collaboration, we recognized the need to optimize navigation space for mobile viewing. To achieve this, the “For Coaches” text was integrated directly into the logo, specifically tailoring it to the target audience. Additionally, the “Back to CourseCareers.com” zero navigation link was relocated to the left, aligning with conventional back button designs for improved user familiarity.

Mobile Responsiveness

Designing first for desktop then refining for mobile ensured a consistent, engaging user experience across devices.

This approach was validated through rigorous breakpoint testing.

For mobile displays, the logo is condensed to its brand mark to conserve space on the navigation bar.

Final Landing Page Design

The final look of the landing page is something I’m really proud of. It strikes the perfect balance between sleek design and user-friendliness. I made sure to tweak the navigation so it's super clear for our coaches, ensuring they can effortlessly find what they need. The page really comes to life with genuine testimonials that give a peek into the community and success behind the program.

Getting here was a journey, but the result? A page that not only looks good but also feels welcoming and easy to use. It’s the ideal mix of reflecting the CourseCareers brand and meeting users' needs.

View Live Landing Page


Despite limited data on long-term effectiveness, initial internal feedback was highly positive, indicating the redesign successfully addressed key objectives and improved the coach recruitment process.